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Agriculture & Food

Photonics is a critical enabling technology for overcoming significant challenges to our food supply: improving yields, overcoming labor and water shortages, and improving food safety. Torrent Photonics partners with market leaders to provide optical systems and sensors for agtech automation, and fluorescent spectroscopy, IR and UV-VIS spectroscopy for crop health and pest management, and food safety inspection.


Multispectral Remote Sensing

Multispectral sensing and imaging deliver deeper and more frequent data that helps farmers and agronomists make decisions that improve crop yield and field productivity by:

  • Early detection of crop stress and moisture
  • Variable rate nutrient and water application
  • Visualizing crop health and vigor with NDVI and more
  • Improving the frequency, locale, and resolution of data from ground, air, and space

Multispectral Sensing | Visible + NIR Wavelengths

Healthy plants strongly absorb blue and red light and strongly reflect NIR light. NIR light has optical wavelengths beyond our human vision but is still visible to multispectral cameras. By detecting the light reflected by plants, Torrent's multispectral imagers can differentiate healthy plants from unhealthy or stressed plants before our eyes or a color camera can.


NDVI & Beyond | Vegetation Indices

Scientists and agronomists have been using satellite multispectral data for decades – using vegetation indices to highlight a particular characteristic of vegetation calculated from a combination of the reflectance at two or more wavelengths. The most common is the Normalized Differential Vegetation Index (NDVI), which measures the difference between the light reflected at NIR and visible wavelengths. Many other indices reveal other aspects of crop health, vigor, or stress, such as moisture stress, water content, nitrogen content, and other crop-specific variables. Other indices and spectral measurements are used to reveal food quality and safety, including ripeness and bruising, quality grading and sorting, pathogens and contaminants, and non-destructive, non-invasive inspection.

Product Highlight

Renegade Spectrometer


  • Environmentally stable and robust design
  • Compact and customizable
  • High sensitivity—proprietary UV sensitive transmissive grating

OEM Multispectral Sensing Tools

Torrent provides spectral filters, sensors, and cameras that capture valuable multispectral data.

PixelCam™ multispectral cameras

Image multiple color and infrared wavelengths in real-time on a single sensor on moving ground, air, and space platforms


PixelSensor™ multispectral sensors

Capture spectral and vegetation index data at high rates for continuous monitoring and analysis


OEM filter arrays and assemblies

Adapt conventional monochrome sensors and cameras to high-value multispectral devices with virtually no change in size, weight, or power (SWaP) requirements

Complete solutions built for your demands.

Our team will collaborate with your engineers at every step to ensure the design of scalable, successful systems.

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